Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
(Jude 1:24-25 ESV)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why a blog?

Wow, where to begin?
Well I never thought I would be hosting a blog, that's for sure.
First off, if you somehow stumbled across this blog and you are actually taking the time to read it your probably a family member or really good friend of mine and you obviously have the gift of patience and mercy.  I want to state a disclaimer right from the start: If you are reading this and thought to yourself, "I'm interested in reading something very profound and enlightening", you're at the wrong blog...or..."I'm interested in reading some well written material", again you are at the wrong place.  I would love to point you to countless blogs that will offer much more in quality and quantity than I could ever offer.
So if you are still reading (and I'm not sure why) I would love to explain my intentions a little more clearly.
Why a blog?
Well from time to time I have thoughts or ideas or studies (Biblical in nature) that I sometimes get the urge to share with people (so get a Facebook account and join the rest of the world).  Well first off I hate Facebook (yes I have an account and am considering deactivating it) and I don't like posting on it for multiple reasons, the biggest being that I don't like the fact that I have to sift through so much worthless junk (posts like "I'm bored, who wants to hang out" or "why do the Lakers suck so bad this year" etc.) to read something from someone I'm actually interested in hearing from.  So I thought to myself, "self, why don't you start your own blog that you can talk about whatever you want to so that people who actually care about what you have to say can take the time out of their busy schedule to check in and find out for themselves instead of having to sift through hours of endless boring jargon on FB" (and yes if you were wondering I do talk to myself like that quite often ((and if you were also wondering why all the parenthesis? That's just my style, I like to communicate that way.(((in fact one of my favorite authors writes books in a similar manner and I absolutely love reading him because he communicates so much like me even adding sarcasm throughout...his name is Jay Adams, he revolutionized the way Christians do Biblical counseling and his writings are amazing, I would recommend any and all of his books to you, well worth the read))) (ok i forgot where I was, oh...) So that's basically my intentions as to why a blog opposed to something else. (Maybe sometime in the future I will devote some time to expanding on the many aspects of why I dislike FB so much but we will save that for another time...)
That's it for now but I am currently working on my next profound post which will probably be titled Why the name Now To Him...? (probably should have made that my first post...oh well) so if you're still interested stay tuned and I will not only explain that but also share a little about what kind of content I will Lord willingly be posting about. Thanks


  1. We have very high expectations. Please don't let us down... -ian and julie :) Now to Him who can do abundantly more... like the title!!!

    1. Ah thats a good verse too. Thanks for the support.
